My name is Ian Brown. I do these comics for my university paper. Here are things you should do at this site:

1. Read comics from last year (link below)

2. Read comics from this year

3. Leave comments

4. Send me e-mails (

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Monday, January 28, 2008

Comic and more class drawings

I'm trying my hardest this semester to not learn anything.





Thursday, January 24, 2008

Comic and Class Drawings

Here's the comic for today and drawings I do in class instead of taking notes.


Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Sunday, January 20, 2008

New Comics

Here's the first strip for next year and an editorial that won't be published because the editors feel it could be misconstrued. Keep in mind that this is a paper that printed "Fuck Bush" in bold type on the editorial page, but won't run a comic about an issue (the Bradley Effect) that might determine who the next president will be. Why do I even bother?



Tuesday, January 8, 2008

No new comics

The comic work is coming along slowly because I've been sick lately, although it has given me a chance to watch the first two seasons of "The Wire," which is amazing. But I promise new comics within the next week.

And if you're a David Lynch fan (which I am) then you'll probably like this video.

About Me

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Fort Collins, CO, United States
My name is Ian Brown