For some reason a lot of people have been coming here lately. Whoever you are, thanks for visiting. The comic strip is finished (you can read it all here:
Part 1 and
Part 2) but I have some plans in the works for new comics soon. I live in South Korea now and still don't own a computer or scanner, but I'll find a way.
Also, go USA basketball in Beijing. The US could fail at every other event and I'd be fine as long as we win the gold in basketball.
I'm not sure who, but somebody added your site to STUMBLEUPON. That's how I found it. I'd attempt to explain STUMBLEUPON to you, but honestly I would rather try to walk my grandmother through the steps to get the flashing "12:00AM" off of her VCR.
I read your comics and I wanted to tell you that I enjoyed them, but I was blown up in the 2nd to last strip. So now I just want to tell you that you suck for building Robot Jr. Also, what's up with Comic Ian's severed arm stump growing, switching sides, and acting as if it still had a hand attached? That just made the whole thing completely unbelievable for me.
Not that I'll read it, but I'm looking forward to your new comics. I plan to print them out so that I can line my bird's cage with it. I'll be sure to start feeding it more than once a week, from that point on.
you are a gay, and i miss you.
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