My name is Ian Brown. I do these comics for my university paper. Here are things you should do at this site:

1. Read comics from last year (link below)

2. Read comics from this year

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Sunday, January 20, 2008

New Comics

Here's the first strip for next year and an editorial that won't be published because the editors feel it could be misconstrued. Keep in mind that this is a paper that printed "Fuck Bush" in bold type on the editorial page, but won't run a comic about an issue (the Bradley Effect) that might determine who the next president will be. Why do I even bother?




Quinn Russell Brown said...

Despite many false accusations from the left, Romney is actually also a change candidate. No, he's not going to hand the blacks everything with our tax money but he's going to level the playing field so that all people of all ethnicities have the same opportunities. Essentially, this is the best plan for America due to the fact that the constant emphasis on black poverty overshadows the underprivileged White males in America.

Anonymous said...

(woof woof)

Anonymous said...

Okay Ian, I know that your comic genius many times goes straight over my head... especially when it comes to your witty political commentary... but I don't get the joke. Why did he vote for Romney and say he was voting for obama? I'm confused

yours truly: your biggest, most loyal fan
aka. Reanne

Anonymous said...

okay, so I looked up the bradley effect via the most reliable internet site I know: wikipedia. So now I guess I kind of understand, but that still doesn't make sense because you can't have all the people from both parties on one primary ballot.
Thusly, you still suck

Anonymous said...

After viewing the link that Megan (if that is "her" real name) posted, I don't think that this comic has any comedic value. I mean did you see how Romney was (and am I saying this right? correct me if I'm not) "down". I mean he's a real "jive turkey"
(that's a good thing right? I'm using this ethnic vernacular correctly?)

That patriot in the comic is in fact doing our African Brothers (Brothas?) a favor by voting for such a "def homey" as Romney.

After seeing Romney in this new light, I am 100% sure I will be doing the right thing when I walk into that voting booth screeching my patriotic bald eagle cry (KAAAAWWW!!) and knocking up the chad next to Mr. Romney's name. Meroni bless you good sir!


Anonymous said...

"Jump on it!
Jump on it!"

And yes, I should rot in hell for directing anyone to this site but it's the only place I could find this video. Enjoy.

Anonymous said...

Fuck!! That didn't post the entire link, and I'm sorry to keep doing this (but on the bright side you might hit that coveted 1000 mark).

Go to

then tack: /video:1599424/context/tag:dancing/

after the com.

I should have probably just e-mailed this to you...


Ian said...

"but that still doesn't make sense because you can't have all the people from both parties on one primary ballot."

Some states (New Hampshire, Michigan) let independents vote Rep or Dem, so I fudged it a little and put htem on the same ballot.

About Me

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Fort Collins, CO, United States
My name is Ian Brown