Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


  1. you are extremely ignorant, and oh boy you are not funny, not funny at all. your comic is singlehandedly the stupidest, most ridiculous, and unoriginal things i've ever read. a retarded three year old could easily come up with the worthless rantings that you pull out of your ass in your extremely poorly drawn comics. the reason The Collegian has to print the f-word is because it's obviously lacking on any real content as proven by your shitty comics. i didn't mean to sound so mean, but i did, "me and my big mouth" huh?

  2. Also, to the guy who wrote that, stop coming back and looking at your comment! I can see your IP address every time you look, you sneak!

  3. Ian, did you really just call that guy a sneak?

    also, you're comic does kind of suck. And speaking of retarted three year olds, I wish your comic were more like garfeild

    love, Reanne

  4. Ian, seriously, do you really think that you are funny. For once I thought this comics weren't supposed to be funny. I thought it is some kind of an action/thriller comics. Your comics are the worse I ever read. I mean, your comic is the only one I skip when reading the collegian. Please let others post, you suck!

  5. Ian, seriously, do you really think that you are funny. For once I thought this comics weren't supposed to be funny. I thought it is some kind of an action/thriller comics. Your comics are the worse I ever read. I mean, your comic is the only one I skip when reading the collegian. Please let others post, you suck!

  6. Ian please stop drawing comics please, You are torturing me by your fucking silly comics. Please be more like Garfield or at LEAST Baldo. Seriously, how gave you the spot to post your comics, also when you forgot to draw a comic and had to post and old one and apologized for it, seriously, you didn't have to. Actually, you did us a favor.
